Holding Joy Reiki

I’m Jeanine a trained Reiki Master, End of Life Doula and Funeral Arranger based in The Hunter Valley, NSW, with my business Holding Joy, supported by Picaluna.

Reiki is a form of Energy Healing, a complementary therapy that can help with relaxation, stress reduction, improved sleep, decreased pain levels, as well as spiritual connection.

As a complementary therapy, Reiki does not replace medical intervention, but can assist and support for improved outcomes for health and wellbeing.

Reiki Sessions

Reiki sessions are held either in person or via distance and can be highly spiritual.

When receiving Reiki, people usually experience a great sense of relaxation during and after the session, but it can also be an emotional experience.

  • During an in person Reiki session, customers are usually laying on a Reiki table, similar to when receiving a professional massage. The Reiki practitioner is either standing or sitting on a chair next to the table during the duration of the session.

    Reiki can be hands on or hands held above the body, depending on different reiki styles, practitioners and customers personal preferences and comfort level.

    Comfortable clothes are recommended, with shoes off to assist with comfort and relaxation.

    Atmosphere for a session usually includes relaxing music, comfortable room temperature and subdued lighting.

    Some people become emotional, or experience headaches during or after a session. It’s recommended drink water before and after a session, and allow time and space to process and work through any emotions brought forward during the session.

  • Processes for distance Reiki can vary between practitioners, but always involve the Reiki practitioner focusing on the recipient and sending reiki from wherever they are.

    During a Distance Reiki session, it’s recommended to treat the session similar to an in person session to get the most out of the session. During the timeframe arranged, try to relax in a comfortable area and limit interruptions.

    Comfortable clothes are recommended, with shoes off to assist with comfort and relaxation.

    Atmosphere for a session usually includes relaxing music, comfortable room temperature and subdued lighting.

    Some people become emotional, or experience headaches during or after a session. It’s recommended drink water before and after a session, and allow time and space to process and work through any emotions brought forward during the session.

Reiki Classes

Each Reiki Teacher will bring their own energy and personal experience to teaching. My own Reiki practice involves meditation and highly spiritual.

Each student will receive a Reiki manual to take home containing the main information covered in the workshop, as well as extra information for further study to build on.

Dates will be posted in the upcoming events tab.

  • Level 1 Workshop

    Serves as a basic introduction to learn about Reiki and can be a great way to start your Reiki journey and expand the way you experience can it. No previous studying required, you will receive the level 1 manual on the day to go over during the class and take home. Learn to practice Reiki on yourself, your friends, family and pets. Involves basic interactive practice.

    Usually held in person in one day.

    Each Reiki Teacher will bring their own energy and personal experience to teaching. My own Reiki practice involves meditation and highly spiritual.

    Each student will receive a Reiki manual to take home containing the main information covered in the workshop, as well as extra information for further study to build on.

    Dates will be posted in the upcoming events tab.

  • Level 2 Workshop

    Follows on from the basic introduction from level 1. There is a period of interactive study and preparation in the lead up to the workshop to allow for getting the most out of the class. Exploring in greater depth the symbols, practicing reiki via distance, the possibilities for directions you want to go with Reiki and much more interactive practice.

    Usually held in person over two days, but with a 21 day preparation period before the class.

    Each Reiki Teacher will bring their own energy and personal experience to teaching. My own Reiki practice involves meditation and highly spiritual.

    Each student will receive a Reiki manual to take home containing the main information covered in the workshop, as well as extra information for further study to build on.

    Dates will be posted in the upcoming events tab.

  • Master Level

    Follows on from completed level 1 and 2 classes. Becoming a master requires a demonstrated level of understanding and commitment of Reiki and it's principles.

    There is a period of interactive study and preparation in the lead up to the workshop, as well as detailed feedback from completed sessions.

    Usually held in person over two days, but with a 21 day preparation period before the class. Ongoing mentoring included.

    Each Reiki Teacher will bring their own energy and personal experience to teaching. My own Reiki practice involves meditation and highly spiritual.

    Each student will receive a Reiki manual to take home containing the main information covered in the workshop, as well as extra information for further study to build on.

    Dates will be posted in the upcoming events tab.